skin care tips for a busy schedule
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skin care tips for a busy schedule

I have a hard time finding the time to follow a great skin care routine. I have purchased the kits that require you to follow several steps every single day, and I struggled to keep up with any of them. I began looking for easier ways to take care of my skin and have found a few things that have really made a difference. Go to my blog to learn about the skin care products and techniques that work very well when you are so busy every day. Hopefully, my expense of trial and error will help you avoid the cost associated with trying so many products.


skin care tips for a busy schedule

Vegan-Friendly Products At All Stages Of Your Facial Care Routine

Felecia Lewis

If you are a vegan, it can be hard to find products that do not contain animal products, especially in your skincare routine. Carefully monitoring the ingredients can help you find vegan pads and other products to fight your acne at all stages of your skincare routine.

Step One: Cleansing

Using cleansing pads, such as vegan acne pads, can mean a more thorough cleansing process than using your hands alone, especially if you wear makeup. Although you want to use cleansing pads that help fight acne, you also have to consider skin sensitivity. If you know your skin is sensitive, stick with pads that contain a basic cleanser that is free of perfumes and dyes. If you wear makeup, you may want to use micellar water to help break down makeup before cleansing, since some basic cleansers may not effectively remove makeup.

For people who either do not have sensitive skin or do not know if they have sensitive skin, some ingredients they may want to consider are neem oil and willow bark. Although using products containing oil can make you apprehensive, neem oil is non-comedogenic, meaning it will not clog pores, and it will not sit on your face for long. When using cleansing pads containing acne-fighting products, allow the cleanser to stay on your face for at least a few minutes before rinsing.

Step Two: Exfoliating

Using exfoliating pads is more gentle than either face brushes or products containing exfoliating beads. If you use exfoliating pads each time you cleanse, it is better than using a harsher product more often. One of the best chemical exfoliators for acne is salicylic acid. This acid also works well to keep your pores clear of skin cells and other debris, which can turn into acne. Additionally, regular exfoliation can speed the improvement of acne scars and discoloration. When you use an exfoliating pad, steer clear of active acne to minimize scarring.

Step Three: Moisturizing

People with acne concerns may avoid moisturizing their skin, but this is not a good idea. If you have oily skin, finding the right moisturizer can minimize the excess production of sebum, which can contribute to acne. Stick with lightweight moisturizers, especially if you have oily skin. One of the best moisturizers is hyaluronic acid because it holds a significant amount of moisture. You must be careful because not all products containing hyaluronic acid are vegan-friendly. Search for options that are only plant-based.

Hyaluronic acid works well to speed the improvement of acne scars because it increases cell turnover. When looking for products containing hyaluronic acid, also look for products containing SPF, especially when doing your face routine before leaving out. Moisturizing is one of the last steps in your face care routine, so it is worth the money to purchase high-quality products. When applying your moisturizer, work around active acne and leave those areas bare for spot treatments.

Step Four: Spot Treatments

Most spot treatment pads also contain salicylic acid. Try to find options that do not dry out your skin to minimize oil production. Fortunately, you can also make your own spot treatments if you find salicylic acid is too strong for your skin or you have not had much success with the product. A good plant-based option you can make yourself is aloe vera gel, which you may find in some products. In some produce sections of the grocery store, you can find aloe leaves or it may be more economical to grow your own. Use a cotton swab to dab the gel onto active acne. This should be the last step in your face care routine so the gel has the chance to sit on the skin and penetrate. Aloe has anti-inflammatory properties, so it may reduce redness. CBD oil is another option for spot treatments because it reduces redness and has anti-bacterial properties. If you are using pure CBD oil, it must be diluted so it is not too harsh.

As a vegan, you may need to do significant research to find acne products that do not contain animal products. Fortunately, the market is saturated with both plant-based and chemical products to reduce or eliminate acne.
